I like writing and I’ve got the opportunity to make some experiences throughout my school years. As part of an internship program, during my bachelor’s, I was an editorial assistant at Centro Study Politeia, Università Degli Studi di Milano. I’m now one of the editors and the current chair of the CoBra Network Research Blog and one of the editors at Echoraffiche. Echoraffiche is an Italian slow-journalism online magazine and cultural organisation based in Brescia, my hometown. We are committed to valuing the local roots of our project, keeping an eye on and being inspired by what happens at the national and global levels.

Here are some selected pieces:



I also enjoy creating spaces for young researchers and writers by organising small-scale events, both in and outside Academia.

Academic Events


  • Writing hours and social activities for PhD students in Psychology (PPLS, UoE). Writing hours are open, hybrid sessions where students can meet to write, discuss their writing process and ask for help. [Organiser, with Esperanza Badaya]
  • LINk2022, a two-day event, targeting postgraduate students and early-stage career researchers who are interested in the Psychology of Language. [Organiser, with Esperanza Badaya, @University of Edinburgh]


  • (Mis)alignment in Alignment Research, a two-day workshop to discuss alignment, the related terminology and how scientists study alignment in interaction. [Organiser with Lena Huttner and Joanna Kruyt, @Aix-Marseille University]
  • Psycholinguistics Coffee, an informal meeting to discuss Psycholinguistic research, presented by internal or external postgraduate students and early career researchers. Talks include published research, work in progress, and practice runs for conference presentations. [Organiser and moderator, previously with Esperanza Badaya, at the moment with Nora Kennis and Shuting Chen]

Non-Academic Events

  • EchoCollettivi, a collection of 30 associations, groups and collectives that - at various levels - embrace the community and mobilize towards environmental, social, artistic and cultural causes. [Organiser]
  • Il Giornale degli Studenti, Infromagiovani Brescia, a project to bring our knowledge of how to create, build and run an online magazine and to independently create a space for the voices of our generation to high school students in Brescia. [Organiser and speaker].